Can we contact you?
I know, picking up the phone, or writing an email both take time and can feel like a commitment!
But it doesn’t have to be like that – we genuinely belive that we need to get to know each other a bit before we can decide that we want to work together.
So this form has a ‘No Commit Submit’ button. All it means is that we will get in touch to arrange a preliminary meeting.
This can be face to face, on the phone, via email, smokesignals or semaphore, and wherever is most convenient for you!
I’m in a hurry.
Just give me the headlines.
I’ve got a minute.
Impress me with
what you do.
I already work with a designer. What makes you different?
Far too many words.
Show me some
of your work!
01483 363151
If you’d prefer to contact us, then please feel free:
In Person:
FdK Design Consultants
PO Box 1603
By Phone:
01483 363151
Simon de Kretser:
07515 393096
By Email:
Simon de Kretser:
[email protected]
Marian de Kretser:
[email protected]
Yes, we have a website privacy policy