Thanks to Gurafiku founder Ryan Hageman you can see an incredible archive of Japanese work spanning over 200 years.
Hageman started the Tumblr page back in 2009 while studying at MCAD in Minneapolis. His intrigue in Japanese design led him to discovering an exchange programme his school ran with a school in Osaka and Gurafiku began as a means to prepare for his time studying out in Japan, collecting all the examples of graphic design work he could find.
“Looking through all the works archived on Gurafiku, I am always impressed by the sheer diversity of different styles, approaches and methodologies present in Japanese graphic design,” says Hageman.
“It’s these characteristics that’s been able to carry my interest in the project for so many years.”
We have posted some of our favourites below but we highly recommend you head over and check out the collection for yourself. Whether you are a fan of Japanese culture or graphic design in general, you will find something you’ll love.
(via It’s Nice That)